EPC Winter/Spring 2025
We are excited to offer the following classes this Winter/Spring during our Nurturing Faith Hour at 11:15 am and also via Zoom. Please see Friday newsletter or contact the front office for the Zoom link. These classes will be based on the following books:
March 9 – April 13
Lent in Plain Sight by Jill J. Duffield from
April 27 – May 18:
Always a Guest by Barbara Brown Taylor from

Spring Work Day
Backup Plan: If it rains we will move the workday to
April 12.
See Alan Calloway with any questions or contact Eastminster at admin@eastminster.com for more information.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 17
Simple Soup Dinner at 6:00 PM
Service at 6:30 PM
Join us on Thursday, April 17 at for a simple soup dinner at 6pm and then our Maundy Thursday service at 6:30pm. This service will include communion, the progressive darkening and stripping of the sanctuary, and scripture and hymns that will tell the story of Jesus’ final teaching, betrayal, and death.
Good Friday
Remote Prayer Vigil
Friday, April 18th
6:00 AM to Midnight
This year we will observe Good Friday a little differently than we have in the past. We will join together in an 18-hour prayer vigil that allows us to collectively offer prayers to God throughout the day, evening, and into the night while individually or as families reflecting on Christ’s suffering and sacrifice. You can pray from home, at a park, or wherever you may be on Friday, April 18. The time from 6 am to midnight will be divided into half hour time slot. You are welcome to sign up for as many time slots as you like. You are also welcome to invite your extended family, friends, and neighbors to join in. Suggested scripture readings and other “prayer starter” materials will be available on the table in the Commons or by email. A sign-up will go out early next week.
Additionally, local Presbyterian Good Friday service information will be shared
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 20th
Sunrise Service at 7:00 AM
Breakfast at 7:30 AM
Easter Worship at 10:00 AM
Our Sunrise service meets in our outdoor sanctuary for a short joyous celebration of the resurrection! Immediately following, join us for breakfast, tea, and coffee in Clarke’s Kitchen.
Join us at 10:00AM for traditional Easter worship as we rejoice in hope together!
Bring flowers to add to our resurrection cross before worship.
This service is livestreamed.

Job Opportunities at Eastminster:

Nursery Worker Needed:
Eastminster Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a paid nursery attendant to care for our youngest members on Sunday mornings. If you or someone you know might be interested in this position, please share their information with Joan Jones.
We are also building our volunteer list to support the nursery—let Joan know if you’d like to help care for our little ones!
Contact Joan Jones, Director of Children & Middle School Ministries at: joan.jones@email.com
Eastminster is an active church of various ages. We hope you’ll find a place among us. Want to see a glimpse of what we’re like? Check out some photos here to get a sense of who we are – not just a building but a group dedicated to caring for one another and for others.