Welcome: Adult

Adult Ministry

Adult Classes

Our Nurturing Faith Hour

(Sunday Mornings @ 11:15am)

Hybrid Sunday Class 

This Winter on Sunday mornings we are offering our Adult Sunday School class as a hybrid class! This means those who are worshiping from home can join us at 11:15am for learning and fellowship via Zoom! Simply click the link in the Friday News or find it in the Sunday morning worship resources email. It is recommended that you begin connecting several minutes before 11:15am to work out any technical issues.

Please see Eastminster’s weekly Friday newsletter email for the Zoom link to participate online. Not on our email list? Email the church office to be added at admin@eastminster.com

Session 4: Jan 12-Feb 16


Book: Grateful: The Subversive Practice of Giving Thanks by Diana Butler Bass

Although most of us know that gratitude is good — and good for us — there is a gap between our desire to be grateful and our ability to behave gratefully. The implication of the gap are bigger than we realize, affecting both our personal and public lives. In Grateful, Bass Weaves together social science research, spiritual wisdom, ,and contemporary issues as she calls for a richer understanding and practice of gratitude. What emerges are surprising insights about the power of thankful living to change how we treat one another, and how we might transform our world.

Faith on Tap

This discussion-based class centers around everyday topics with scripture and quotes to help guide the discussions. Leaders will use ideas brainstormed from the group, Wired Word current event articles, newspaper articles, and more to help the group engage in dialogue. Come to discuss the things that matter and how we are called to live faithfully today.

Men’s Devotional Breakfast Group
Wednesdays at 6:50-7:30AM
Location: Eggs Up Grill on Woodruff Rd. 
This group meets on Wednesday mornings at the Eggs Up Grill on Woodruff Rd., from 6:50am-7:30am. They do a devotional, check in with each other, and pray for any needs or requests. The early morning allows time to get to work.
Men’s Bible Study
Thursdays Morning at 7:30AM
Location: EPC Kitchen or by Zoom
This group meets on Thursday mornings at 7:30am to grow deeper in faith through exploring scripture. You may come in person (meet in the kitchen) or join by Zoom.
Women’s Circle 
Location: Member’s Home
The Women’s Circle meets the second Thursday of each month at 10am in each other’s homes. Women of all ages are invited to join us as we seek to nurture our faith through worship, study, friendship, and outreach.

Adult Fellowship Groups

Fifty and Up Network  (F.U.N. Group)
FUN is a group of men and women that meet throughout the year for fellowship, discussions, meals, and more. The group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30am for lunch.
EPC Book Club
The EPC Book Club is a group of women who meet the fourth Monday of every other month at 7pm, either at the church or a member’s home. We read a variety of topics with suggestions from members.
Fifth Friday Fellowship
This group is a new adult fellowship group that will get together in months where there is a 5th Friday. The purpose is to initiate fun ideas to get together for fellowship and outreach activities on an occasional basis outside of worship.
Please see the Monday Education and Fellowship Group email
or contact the Church office for more information.