Contact Form
Please use the contact from to let us know of any questions, or concerns you may have.
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9:00am – 1:00pm
Closed Friday and Saturday
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Fluker in the office, at 0r
Phone: 864-284-0190
Fax: 864-284-9316
Eastminster Presbyterian Church is a member of the Foothills Presbytery within the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America-PC(USA)
Eastminster Street Address
2240 Woodruff Road
Simpsonville, SC 29681
Mailing Address:
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
2131 Woodruff Rd. STE 2100
PMB 188
Greenville. SC 29607

For Stephen Ministry information or referrals, please contact our Stephen Leader at