Job Opportunities at Eastminster:

Nursery Worker
Eastminster Presbyterian Church is currently seeking a paid nursery attendant to care for our youngest members on Sunday mornings. If you or someone you know might be interested in this position, please share their information with Joan Jones.
We are also building our volunteer list to support the nursery—let Joan know if you’d like to help care for our little ones!
Contact Joan Jones, Director of Children & Middle School Ministries at:
The primary responsibility of the Accompanist is preparing for and playing for 10:00 Sunday morning worship services. The choir rehearses for Sunday worship on Wednesday evenings. The Accompanist serves under the supervision of the Music Director and is accountable to the Session of Eastminster.
The Accompanist will be given hymns, responses, and anthems, but is responsible for choosing pre- and post- service music, prelude and postlude, and music during communion which is served the first Sunday of every month. Music is expected to fit within the framework of the service and should take into account the scripture, sermon topic, other hymns, and anthem.
Time commitments for this part time contract position will include:
- Preparation of music for rehearsal and worship
- 10:00AM Sunday morning worship, the music director and choir gather at 9:00 each Sunday
- 7:00PM Wednesday evening choir practices (no Wednesday practices June and July)
- Occasional additional time during holidays (Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter)
Music at Eastminster:
With a congregation spanning the generations from traditional/retired to contemporary/young adults & family, Eastminster would consider its place in the religious music spectrum as blended: traditional hymns, choral & instrumental blended with contemporary expressions of same.
Essential Duties:
- Accompanist is responsible for playing during all choir rehearsals and worship services
- Secures sub with assistance from the Music Director when absent.
- Coordinates needs with the Music Director
Resources for the accompanist include a shared office with the Director of Music, an upright Baldwin piano in the choir room, Baldwin grand piano in the sanctuary, the 1990 Presbyterian Hymnal, Sing the Faith supplemental hymnal, and the current Glory to God hymnal. Additional materials may be purchased with the approval of the Music Director.
- Experience or desire to work with a small choir in a 150 member church.
- Experience in a church music setting, degree in music or a current student working towards a degree.
- Organization skills to enable preparation for rehearsal and Sunday worship