What is Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Ministry is a complete system for training and organizing lay people (called Stephen Ministers) to provide one-to-one Christian care and support to hurting people in our congregation and community. Stephen Ministers have trained 50 hours to provide care to people experiencing a crisis or life challenge. Stephen Ministry helps pastors and congregations provide quality caring ministry for as long as individuals need it. The identity and situation of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remains private and confidential.
The name originated from Acts 6, when Stephen was chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need. In addition, the Stephen Ministry logo represents a care receiver’s journey from brokenness toward wholeness through the cross of Jesus. In this way, it illustrates “Christ caring for people through people,” which is the Stephen Ministry motto.
Who can benefit from receiving care?
Those who are facing a crisis, life stressors or challenges such as:
Learn more about Stephen Ministry here: https://www.stephenministries.org
How do I get help?
To refer yourself or someone else, contact one of our Stephen Leaders (Bonnie McCourtie or Syble Drake) either directly or through the church office by emailing: admin@eastminster.com.
*You may also contact one of our Stephen Leaders if you want more information or are feeling called to serve as a Stephen Minister*