Worship at Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Join us for worship each Sunday at 10:00 am!
Services are live streamed to our Facebook and YouTube pages
Worship is central to what we do as a church. It is during worship that we bring our joys and concerns, our questions and confessions, our fears and our hopes. Each Sunday we enact the Good News of the Gospel by coming together in community to confess our sins and receive assurance of our forgiveness, hear the Word (Scripture) read and proclaimed, and respond in prayer and offering our tithes, gifts, voices, and very selves to the work of God through the church and in the world. We hope you will join us!
A little more about worship at Eastminster:
We celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month.
We celebrate the sacrament of Baptism on Sunday mornings occasionally.
We have a Time for All Children each week.
We provide a table with supplies for our youngest worshippers to worship and learn during the service.
We use a variety of musical styles (although mostly traditional hymnody) to enhance the Word of God proclaimed.
Our sanctuary is a multipurpose space that allows us to worship in a variety of set-ups.
We follow the liturgical year meaning we go through the church calendar of Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. We also use paraments (Cloth or tapestry hangings used to adorn the space for worship) and other artistic aids to guide us through these seasons.
We also have an outdoor sanctuary used periodically, and annually for our Easter Sunrise Service.