Mission Statement

The goal of the Youth Ministry is to nurture the youth of EPC by providing a diverse program that includes education, service, recreation and fun.  

Youth Ministry Highlights

This fall, our youth will be working through a study titled “Do Justice.” We will look at what justice means, how we use what we have been given and use our voices to seek justice for all God’s children and what it means to live in a just world. We will work together on our Breakfast to Go boxes, organize an Easter Egg Hunt for our youngest friends at EPC, attend presbytery retreats, Montreat Youth Conferences and continue to serve Eastminster in a variety of ways as we continue to live our faith out loud each day.

Winter/Fall Schedule

October 6 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

October 20 – BUILD following Worship

October 20 – Youth Meet 5:30-7:30

November 3 – Youth Meet 5:30-7:30

November 8-10 – Presbytery Middle School Retreat

November 17 – Youth Meet 5:30-7:30

December 1 – Angel Tree Shopping

December 15 – Youth Christmas Fun

December 29 – College Student Sunday

January 10-12 – Presbytery High School Retreat

January 26 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

February 2 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

February 16 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

March 2 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

March 30 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

April 6 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

April 27 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

May 4 – Youth meet 5:30-7:30

May 18 – Montreat Meeting for youth and parents

June 7-14 – Montreat 2025

Youth in Worship

Our youth serve as liturgists for Sunday morning worship as well as ushers, greeters and so much more. The youth plan and lead several services throughout the year as well.

Serving Others

Our youth are continually looking for ways that we can reach out to serve others. One way that we are doing that this year is by providing “Breakfast to Go” boxes for each classroom at Mauldin Elementary School. The youth shopped for all items and assembled all 60 boxes in August. We shop monthly to be ready to refill every box when a teacher reaches out. This allows all students to receive a breakfast, even if they have arrived at school after the cafeteria breakfast hours.


Our Middle and High School Youth will gather two Sunday evenings a month for a meal, study, fellowship, mission and fun as we seek to follow Christ in our lives. We will also meet two Wednesday nights a month at a local coffee shop or ice cream shop to check in, enjoy a time of fellowship and prayer together. Dates will be highlighted in the EPC weekly Friday news.

Summer Montreat Youth Conferences

 Each summer, our middle and high school youth have the opportunity to join with hundreds of other Presbyterian Youth at both Maryville College (Middle School) and the Montreat Youth Conference (High School). During these conferences, we worship, study, play and enjoy time together as we grow in faith together.

Youth Ministry Includes…


Outreach and Service Projects:

  • Creating blessing bags for local hospital staff and homeless
  • Mission Trips
Conferences and Retreats:
  • Montreat Middle and High School Retreats 
  • Foothills Presbytery      retreats and PYC on the road events
  • Worship planning & leading
  • Serving on Foothills Presbytery Youth Council
  • Serving on Foothills Presbytery Youth Council
  • Leading and supporting our young children through Building Stories, Brick by Brick

Recreation and Fun:

  • Movie Nights
  • Lock in
  • Ballgames
  • Cooking and baking together
  • Pool Parties

Education and Growth:

  • Bible Study
  • Youth Group Discussions
  • Montreat Conferences
  • Confirmation Class
  • Friendship & Fellowship with one another
  • Conversations about Faith in an Anxious World
  • Personal Growth

Check out our annual big Youth Fundraiser – EPC Bistro down below: 

Please contact Joan Jones, Director of Children and Youth Ministries, at, with questions or for more information.